About Us

Central Electric Power Cooperative

Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Central), based in Columbia, South Carolina, is a wholesale electric generation and transmission cooperative (G&T) owned by the 19 independent, consumer-owned distribution electric cooperatives in South Carolina. Central was established to provide wholesale power and transmission solutions in a reliable and cost-effective way to its members along with offering essential services including sustainable energy initiatives and smart economic development throughout South Carolina.

Power Supply

Central plays a pivotal role in powering South Carolina, primarily sourcing wholesale power through portfolio contracts with Santee Cooper, Duke Energy Carolinas and the Southeastern Power Administration.

Central’s ability to contract for generation means 70% of its energy needs were met by zero-carbon or reduced carbon-emitting resources in the last few years.


Central and its member-cooperatives manage transmission and distribution facilities across all 46 counties in South Carolina, delivering electricity to over one-third of the state’s population.

Today, these member-cooperatives serve more than 940,000 meters and over 2 million residents, with 79,000 miles of power lines covering 70% of South Carolina.

Central has strategically invested in transmission lines, especially “radial lines,” to distribute energy efficiently and cost-effectively, particularly to remote areas.

Renewable Energy And Carbon Reduction

Central offers flexible cost solutions through a diverse generation mix. Current offerings include 300MW of new solar under development with an additional 1,500MW planned.

Central works with industrial members to identify pathways to meet sustainability goals through the multiple initiatives including:

  • On-site Generation and Storage Solutions
  • Market-Renewable Energy Certificates
  • Community Solar
  • Third-party Partnerships

Economic Development

Through Central, all 19 distribution electric cooperatives participate in all investments through the Site Readiness Fund, incentive offerings, the South Carolina Power Team operating budget and grant programs.

After recovering all costs, the net benefits from new and expanding industries are shared among all 19 cooperatives, helping to keep member costs low across the system. With the complexity of large load projects, Central provides crucial resource and transmission planning expertise essential for the success of economic development projects. Additionally, Central coordinates the development of new facilities required to serve industries that locate in cooperative territories.

Central has been meeting the needs of South Carolina distribution cooperatives since 1948.

Our History


Central named one of the best places to work by the Chamber of Commerce for the 7th year in a row


Central purchases part of Catawba


First community solar project is created


Duke Deal finalized


First agreement between Santee Cooper and Central is approved


Central opens first standalone headquarters


The REA loan program comes under threat from Nixon’s administration, leading to a period of high interest rates and uncertainty. The energy crisis causes new struggles.


Formal dedication of the Grainger Plant


Central’s systems spans over 1,000 miles. 93% of SC farms have electricity


First REA load of $7.5M approved for Central to construct transmission lines


9 additional members join Central


Formation of Central Electric in Sumter, South Carolina. Only 3% of SC farms have electricity