Windsor New Ellenton

Update on Central Electric Windsor-New Ellenton Transmission Project

August 25, 2023

We have heard loud and clear the input from the Aiken community and local legislators about our Windsor-New Ellenton transmission line project, and we are listening. In consultation with our member, Aiken Electric Cooperative Inc., Central has decided to hit pause on the project to take additional time to further evaluate other possible routes, including those that may be able to further maximize the use of existing rights of way.

As with all of Central’s transmission projects, we want to ensure we have comprehensive data and information to enable us to make the best routing decision possible. In furtherance of that goal, Central will reschedule the September 11th open house. It will be held once Central has finished re-evaluating additional options and data and is ready to move forward.

Central continues to believe, as does Aiken Electric, that these transmission upgrades are necessary to make the power grid more resilient, reduce outage times in the event of major storms, and accommodate Aiken County’s growth. But we will take more time to ensure the process fully considers the possible impacts on the local community, in addition to all of the other land use factors and environmental impacts that are considered in our routing process.

Project Description

The Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Central) is committed to providing safe and reliable power to our customers in Aiken County. To meet that commitment coupled with the area’s growing energy needs, Central will construct a new 115kV transmission power line in the New Ellenton and Windsor communities, South Carolina. Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Central) is responsible for working with your local energy cooperative to provide you with reliable power and will be completing this necessary project.

To complete this project, the line route must first be decided. This decision process involves community input and objective criteria to decide a route that minimizes social and environmental impacts while meeting the engineering, construction, and maintenance requirements. The project will not impact your current power or billing but will still better serve your future energy needs by enhancing the reliability of the electric service in the area.

Hotline Information

Contact Central about this project through email or call the automated voice messaging system. A staff member will respond to you within two business days.

Project Timeline